Hip, Knee & Ankle Movement

Move Better. Move Without Pain


The Hip Assessments will give you insight both from a mobility and stability perspective. Having the proper mobility and stability in the Hips is important for performance and everyday living. We want to ensure that if we actively use our bodies to move, we can perform the movements safely.

Hip Mobility

Straight Leg Hamstring

The goal is to bring the leg into the 90-degree position without effort. Keep the back on the floor and don't allow your hips to move. Assess for the mobility of the hamstrings and core stability in this position.

Adductor With Back Flexion

Assess the mobility of the inside of the legs and the ability to flex your spine. Avoid movements that are painful. Take caution with movement that doesn't seem normal. Perform slowly and do not force this position.


Hip Strength Test

Hip Hinge with Stick Assessment

Hip Hinge with out stick

Knee & Ankle Mobility and Stability


In these videos, you will learn the correlation between the Hip, Knee, and Ankle in Movement. Having proper mobility and stability in each of these three joints will help you avoid injury during movement. These videos will give you insights into the areas needed to improve mobility or strength.

Single Leg Stance

Bent knee

Ankle Mobility

Squat Side View



Squat With Overhead Shoulder

Getting on and Off the Floor